Stichting Gilat theater

Large gifts

One-off gift

We can reserve large donations for one of the projects or regions your heart desires. We invite you to contact us. Together we will discuss the possibilities and find a suitable destination. 

At you can read more about the extra tax benefits of a one-off donation to an ANBI.

Periodic donation

A periodic gift is a gift in the form of a fixed donation for several years in a row. A periodic donation to an ANBI may be deductible from income tax. This is the case if the donation is made for at least five years and the obligation to donate is laid down in an agreement. If these conditions are met, you may deduct the annual donation in the years of payment in the income tax return. The periodic donation is therefore a tax advantage. 

With a periodic donation, you contribute to the sustainability of our projects, because we can count on your support for a longer period of time. In addition, you have a tax advantage during the years of a donation. Couldn’t be nicer, right?

Periodic donation agreement
To ensure the deductibility of the periodic donation, we offer a draft agreement that meets all conditions. You can request the agreement via the contact form below. Of course, we will be happy to help you fill in the form.
